Petzl Replacement Foam for Vertex Helmets

Petzl Replacement Foam for Vertex Helmets

Petzl Vizen Full Face Shield for Vertex/Strato Helmets A014AA00

Petzl Vizen Full Face Shield for Vertex/Strato Helmets A014AA00

Petzl Dual Chinstrap for Vertex/Strato Helmets A010FA01 (Black)

PZL A010FA01
This chinstrap alows the chinstrap of VERTEX and STRATO helmets to be changed or replaced. It allows the workser to modify the chinstrap strength in order to apapt the helmet to different evironments: work at height or on the ground.
Shipping Weight 0.3 lbs.

In stock
The clip has two positions, corresponding to these two uses: high strength, limiting the risk of losing the helmet during a fall, and low strength, limiting the risk of strangulation if the helmet is snagged while the user is on the ground.
Weight: 34g
Material(s): Nylon, Polycarbonate, High-Strength Polyester
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