Granberg Small Log Alaskan Chainsaw Mill
Granberg's Alaskan Small Log Mill is perfect for the homeowner, woodworker, or arborist looking to convert their chainsaw into a portable milling machine. Designed to be used with chainsaw bars of 20" or less and 50cc or greater displacement, this versatile, heavy-duty chainsaw lumber mill accurately cuts planks and beams from 1/2" to 13". As with any chainsaw mill, we recommend that you use a ripping chain to mill with.
These Small Log mills now come with new CNC-Machined billet end brackets! These new end brackets are more accurate, easier to adjust, create less vibration than the old die cast version, and are virtually unbreakable.
These Small Log mills now come with new CNC-Machined billet end brackets! These new end brackets are more accurate, easier to adjust, create less vibration than the old die cast version, and are virtually unbreakable.
A Few Words About Chainsaw Milling... Making lumber with a chainsaw can be a very inexpensive and rewarding way to mill boards from logs. However, there are a few things you should know before diving into chainsaw milling.
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